Food & coffee in Hong Kong - the best and the rest Coffee, Food, TravelrjosenJuly 1, 2016Asia, Coffee, featured, Hong Kong, travel
Breakfast in Vancouver Food, TravelrjosenMay 12, 2015breakfast, featured, travel, Vancouver, Vancouver15
Breakfast in Birmingham Birmingham, Coffee, FoodrjosenNovember 3, 2014Birmingham, breakfast, featured, Food
Birmingham: Where to go for Afternoon Tea Birmingham, FoodrjosenAugust 5, 2014Afternoon tea, Birmingham, cake, featured, Food
Vancouver: Where to go for Breakfast Food, TravelrjosenAugust 2, 2014breakfast, Canada, featured, travel, Vancouver
Selecting An Interesting Cake FoodrjosenAugust 16, 2012cake, celebration cake, novelty cake, theme cake
It's High Time for Tea FoodrjosenJune 12, 2012Afternoon tea, Birmingham, cake, Food, High Tea, High tea London, hotel, Hotel La Tour
A Coffee Lover’s view of London Coffee Festival FoodrjosenMay 7, 2012chocolate, Coffee, London coffee festival
Adventures in Birmingham: Afternoon Tea FoodrjosenNovember 30, 2011Afternoon tea, Birmingham, Food, Hotel Du vin, Hyatt Regency, Mint Hotel
Adventures in Birmingham - Hornton Grange Birmingham, FoodrjosenAugust 25, 2011Hornton Grange, restaurant, Sunday lunch
Adventures in Birmingham: 24 Carrots Farmers Market Birmingham, FoodrjosenApril 14, 201124 Carrots, Birmingham, Farmers market, JQT