Film - The Waterman

Not much on at the cinema so this sufficed for the Friday afternoon film ritual. The Waterman is much more about a kid called Gunner who is looking for him rather than the mysterious man who owns the film’s title

A tight family unit, Gunner’s ex-military dad (David Oyelowo, who also directed) learned much more about him from this episode in their lives. He is still fighting a few demons of army life as they settle into a new town with a wife who has cancer.

An avid reader and all-round bright, loving kid, Gunner learns about The Waterman who has been alive for many years, said to be unable to settle until he finds his wife who drowned when a storm hit along with many others. Convinced this person can cure his mum, Gunner, goes to seek him in the wild forest, with an older runaway teen who charges kids money to hear Waterman stories.

Do they believe the stories or are they both just desperate to believe that there are answers out there for the pain they are suffering?

The only mystery (apart from the immortal guy) of this film is why the family moved to a new place away from their family and friends at such a difficult time in their lives. 

The Waterman is a lovely watch bringing together traditional fairytales with modern-day issues and concluding with hope.

