Film - People Just Do Nothing: Big In Japan

This is another fun film for summer 2021. Based on the BBC3 series People Just Do Nothing of which there have been five series none of which I’ve seen but know of through the odd short and probably something like Children in Need. The adventures of the haphazard Korrupt FM troupe, I mean KuruptFM (had to look that up) seem to continue in film form effortlessly.

Without success, the crew have moved on with their lives when their manager turns up to announce that they’ve had an offer of a record contract in Japan. I feel sorry for the hapless manager, Chabuddy G, (Asim Chaudhry) who has to buy his own plane ticket as the company are clearly looking at removing him from the decision-making process and his charges are too ignorant/excited/careless to notice/care. I feel Chabuddy G only means well but clearly doesn’t know the first thing about business or management, and it’s all of this innocence that makes it all funny and him the best character.

I was apprehensive about the jokes being made at the expense of my beloved Japanese but while fast and furious, they were funny. In fact, PJDN (as the kids know it) is more respectful than the terribly condescending Japan with Sue Perkins documentary)

I love Japanese culture so I would have seen it anyway but the easy comedy is very welcome right now.


FilmsRickie JosenComedy