Film: Inside Out 2

This time, the joyous Inside Out film portrays Riley reaching puberty, where her emotions are all over the place (inside out. in-fact).

This is bad timing as Riley is about to enter High School and has just learned her 2 besties will be going to a different school. At the same time, puberty, depicted by HQ having overnight maintenance on her emotion console, arrives on the day they all go to a school (ice) hockey camp where Riley dreams of joining the school team.

We are introduced to Anxierty who has a starring role alongside Envy, Ennui and Embarrassment. Plus later we meet Sarcasm.

While Joy wants to suppress Riley's bad memories and throw them to the back of her mind, these new ones are taking centre stage and are determined to bring them back

Like millions of other fans, I love how the Inside Out explanations of how emotions work for both children and adults. I hope it is shown in schools.
