Richard and Judy, The Autobiography by Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan

Another book I bought years ago and was determined to read, and then put in storage, before my upcoming American adventure started.An interesting structure that I thought would bug me but worked out really well.They wrote separate and alternate chapters so it was their own individual take on particular episodes. Only occasionally did I forget whose chapter I was reading. Richard swore more and Judy was steadfast in her determination, be it to have a large happy family, a solid marriage or a career built on principles. They are both journalists after all.Throughout, I got the impression Judy didn’t like being the centre of attention, unusual given the job she has had for 2 decades – a point made by Richard. Richard is known to say what’s on his mind although he is careful not to upset anyone in his chapters – unless he really wanted to – and that’s only right and fair.They both talk about gaffs, mainly Richards. Oddly there was a recent story in the Sunday Times, an interview with Richard by a lady who I believed to one of their old colleagues, regarding his new book. There appeared to be a few ‘gaffs’ in this article that contradict what R& J had written about in their own autobiography. She didn’t appear to have done her own research and therefore wrote a few inaccuracies. The biggest one of which was to completely disregard that Richard had already written a book. His autobiography!This was an interesting and warm look at their lives, how they got together and the pains they suffered in the early days to be together and to start a family – never mind the early career struggles. A big issue was how Richard was going to become a stepfather to Judy’s first two children but it seems to have been happy families ever since.My one question would be why they felt the need to take time off during ‘term time’ for operations and other major events, whilst they were presenting This Morning for all those years, when they had the whole of summer and all the school holidays off work. Seemed cheeky to me!The oddest moment came when I put the book down to watch R&J’s new chat show, which launched a new digital channel, ‘Watch’. I thought it would be odd to carry on reading whilst they were talking in the background. They were interviewing actor, Josh Hartnett and commented on meeting him some years ago. When I picked the book up again, mid-chapter, I was at the very point when they met him and Judy talked about one of the perks of the job was when their children could meet their heroes. Their daughter Chloe had a childhood thing for Josh Hartnett and they had arranged for a surprise meeting for her then. I wonder if she was in the Green Room for this meeting too?Oh yes, and Paula Yates got a mention in this book too. If you recall, I’m noting how many times her name crops up in the autobiographies I’m reading. Sadly, the lovely lady was interviewed by them soon after she was widowed by Michael Hutchence’s death. Shortly thereafter, she also died.It just goes to show how much they have experienced and how much they have given us. Long reign the King and Queen of daytime (and now night time) TV.7.5/10Inspiration Factor 5.5/10