Film - WASP Network

Based on the true story of people facing destitution escaping from Cuba for a better life in Florida, where they are welcomed. We just don’t know who is escaping just to 

  1. have a life without shortages (electricity, food, prospects)

  2. to spy in America for Castro

  3. to build a campaign to get rid of him.

So there is plenty to keep us occupied. The film opens in the early 1990s where Penélope Cruz plays Olga, the confused wife of a man who one day disappears to America. A skilled pilot, he is quickly hired by people who have already made the move to help overthrow Castro.  But is this what they are looking to do?

There is a fourth group coming into play, Cuban defectors who are FBI informants.

I’m still not entirely sure what happened without looking up the actual story although that doesn’t detract from this being a decent watch.
