Film - The Lost City

I’ve not seen Romancing the Stone so this story is all new to me. (If you have, I’m told this may be familiar).

The story of a writer, Loretta who as a would-be archaeologist is kidnapped by a bad guy called Abigail (Daniel Ratcliffe) who plans to force her to solve a treasure trail puzzle for him. Alan, (Channing Tatum) whose photos are used to portray the fictional hero from Loretta’s romantic novels is the one who goes to save her.

Sadly, as the trailer shows, possessing few of the skills required for a rescue mission. At the same time, Loretta’s publisher hires another guy, a little cameo from Brad Pitt which gives us the line (not a spoiler, also in the trailer) Why are you so handsome? My father was a weatherman.

A little bit of Miss Congeniality crept in with the always watchable Sandra Bullock in the lead. Yes the jokes are sometimes predictable and the outfit annoying after a while but it is still fun.
