Book: TED: A Pawtobiography: My Adventures on Gone Fishing

If like me, you watch out for Ted on Gone Fishing, know that episode is going to be extra special because the loveable dog is in tow, then this book is for you.

  • Or if you just love dogs.

  • Or if you like a witty book.

  • Or if you like me, all three.

Ted’s coauthor/guardian (I dislike the term dog-owner) races through Ted’s story of how he ‘went from homeless and boneless to famous and fearless’ as the star of Gone Fishing.

Ted relates to other formally homeless stars, namely Daniel Craig and Harry Houdini although the book is prefaced with the confession that many of the pawtobiography may or may not be true.

It matters not.

Whereas it may take a week or two to read other books, this one is dog years so it only took a couple of days. I kept some back though so I could make it last 3 days. In the same way, I hope Ted, already 12, is still with us for some years to come.

A delight.