Book – Red Carpet and other Banana skins By Rupert Everett

 I thought this book would a funny read so without delay it went onto the Christmas list.Certain particulars struck me about Rupert’s life within just a few chapters: Paula Yates got everywhere. She was even popped up in Gary Barlow’s books so I will be looking out for her in every autobiography from now on. Rupert witnessed an astonishing amount of deaths amongst his friends (loose term) and acquaintances. More than any 40 something person should really experience.I assumed because of the huge amount of people he got to know over the years Whereas the rest of us have maybe a handful of best friends in a lifetime, Rupert picked one up on every film, project or location where he chose to live. They generally died or went away and he may bump into them years later. An entirely different interpretation of the words ‘best’ and ‘friend’ from mine and most likely yours.Rupert was always broke. He appeared to have a privileged upbringing, including servants, followed by a well paid job, albeit on a freelance basis, whether it was most famously as an actor, one time as a singer and lucratively as a model, he clearly went through money like water and yet still managed to spend the vast majority of his time living like a lord, either at 5 star hotels or in the homes of the rich (and sometimes) famous.There were times that I quite liked the idea of doing that and not having monthly expenditure commitments..…….. The one fact that I was quite looking forward to reading about is that Madonna appears to be exactly as we imagine her to be.I was hoping he would portray a little more warmth from her but then again – he clearly does adore her. He certainly wasn’t going to write anything derogatory about her unless it was true. And I certainly wouldn’t have picked up this book if that was the case. Lady Madonna can do no wrong. He seems to have met every iconic figure of the 20th century from Andy Warhol to Madonna.Rupert also seems to have worked his way through every gay actor (and a couple ladies) along the way. Like his fellow actors and occasional ‘best friends’ each seemed to fall under his spell willingly, until it was time for both to move on. I expect every artistic type to be needy, unsure of themselves and shallow so Mr Everett did not disappoint on that front. Rupert is undoubtedly very well read and extremely well travelled.This brings me on to my unforeseen favourite part of the book; Learning about all his travels. He spent a huge amount of time living in Paris and other parts of France and Miami, none of which I would have been interested in although Miami in the 80s and 90s sounded quite fascinating. I would still like to visit now.Of course he had some stints in my beloved New York, including the days of Andy Warhol, but who hasn’t? Rupert was filming in Moscow when Communism was somewhat bought down. He was in Haiti before anyone seemed to know about their problems, in France when the National Front party enjoyed unprecedented success in the elections. Of course he was in New York on September 11th. (Again who wasn’t?) He was in all probability there when the Berlin wall came down but he didn’t mention. I just loved reading about all his exploits in various parts of the world. Most recently, stories about getting a lift back each Friday to New York in Julia Roberts’s private plane from Chicago where they were filming together were hilarious. I thought the book would have more of these funny anecdotes but it was the nomadic lifestyle that engrossed me more.As well as being comical, Rupert is extremely creative and perhaps his stereotypical artistic and gay shallowness (so twice as shallow then the rest of us) over shadows his talent occasionally. It’s a great read if you happen to be in the acting profession which I’m not. However, the cattiness and sarcasm were right up my street. A long read but worth it.7/10 Inspiration Factor 7/10 I liked his determination at times but the living in luxury for free was what impressed me most