Ready to launch your business? Take a look at my 5-point check list to be sure:

  1. Build awareness of your business before you launch, ideally, three months before. Start telling people and build your social media profiles.

  2. Have a soft launch and receive some valuable feedback, especially if you are starting a consumer business. If your market is business, ask people you know to try it out for you. This will enable you to build some case studies and much valued testimonials.

  3. Work out who your customer and how to find them. Build a customer base by developing a mailing list. You can even announce the launch with a countdown to opening day, another great way to build awareness.

  4. Get your pricing right before you launch by getting feedback, seeing what the competition charge and checking all this against what will make your business sustainable.

  5. Plan a launch party! Invite friends, influencers, bloggers and press.

Rickie Josen